Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2010


Strittmatter, J., Gümpel, P.: Investigation of Long-Time Aged Ni-Ti Shape Memory Actuator Wires for Future Use in Automotive Safety Systems, Proceedings of ACTUATOR 2010, 12th Interna-tional Conference on New Actuators and Drive Systems, Bremen, Germany, 14.-16. June 2010, pp. 921-924, ISBN 978-3-933339-12-6


Hoffmann, C.; Gümpel, P.: Electrochemically Measurements for Testing the Corrosion Behaviour of Stainless Steels in Automotive Exhaust Systems Proceedings of  The European Corrosion Congress, EUROCORR 2010, Moskow, Russland, 13-17 September 2010, 6 pages on CD


Guempel, P.; Burkert, A.: Application of Duplex Stainless Steels in Civil Engineering. Proceed-ings of the Duplex World 2010 Conference, Beaune, France, 13-15 October 2010


Radu S., Gümpel P., Strittmatter J.: Development of a Testing Installation for Shape-Memory-Alloys, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering CONAT 2010, in Brasov, Romania, Oct. 27th -29th, 2010, pp. 93-100, ISSN 2069-0401


Hoffmann, C.; Gümpel, P.: A New Test Method for Stainless Steels Used in Automotive Exhaust Systems, Proceedings of The 11th International Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering, CONAT 2010, Brasov, Rumänien, 27-29 Oktober 2010, Volume V, pp. 121-126, ISSN 2069 – 0401


Ellenschläger, A.; Zeh, D., Gümpel, P.; Bleck, W.; Bürkle, F.; von Stockhausen, A.: Method for Build up and Description of the Effect of Fuel Deposits by Biodiesel on Injectors, Proceedings of The 11th International Congress on Automotive and Transport Engineering, CONAT 2010, Brasov, Rumänien, 27-29 Oktober 2010, pp. 287-298, ISSN 2069 – 0401


Hoffmann, C.; Gümpel, P.: Experimental researches concerning the corrosion resistance of stain-less steels for automotive exhaust systems Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications Vol. 4, No. 11, November 2010, p. 1886 – 1890


Gümpel, P.; Wägner, M.: Harte und verschleißbeständige Randschicht auf korrosionsbeständigen Stählen, MTZ, Motortechnische Zeitschrift 71 (2010) S. 620 – 626


Gümpel, P.: Introduction to Types and Mechanism of Corrosion in Stainless Steels. Proceedings of GCMM 2010, The 10th Global Congress on Manufactoring and Management, Bangkok, Thailand,  22–24 November 2010


Gümpel, P.: Surface Hardening of stainless steels by Kolsterising Proceedings of GCMM 2010, The 10th Global Congress on Manufactoring and Management, Bangkok, Thailand,  22–24 November 2010