Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2014


Seemann, P., Ludewig, D., Gümpel, P.: Deformation Behavior and Martensite Formation in New Manganese Alloyed Metastable Austenitic Steel Grades, Proceedings, International Conference on Martenitic Transformation 2014 (Bilbao, Spanien)


Dissertation, Seemann, P., RWTH Aachen: Einfluss der Kaltumformung auf die Korrosionsbeständigkeit metastabiler austenitischer nichtrostender Stähle, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2014; ISBN 978-3-8440-2581-1, Erstgutachter: Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bleck, W., RWTH Aachen, Institutsleiter IEHK, Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Gümpel, P.


Seemann, P., Gümpel, P.: Differences in the Localized Corrosion Behaviour between Cold Worked CrNi and CrNiMnN Austenites, Proceedings, NACE Corrosion 2014 (San Antonio, TX, USA)


Seemann, P., Gümpel, P.: Corrosion Resistance of Cold Worked CrNi and CrNiMnN Metastable Austenites in Defined Strain States, EUROCORR 2014 (Pisa, Italien)


Seemann, P., Sorg, M., Gümpel, P.: Development of a new Material Systen from High Tensile Stainless Steel Wire with environmentally compatible antifouling Properties for Off-Shore Fischfarming Cages, World Aquaculture Adelaide 2014 (Adelaide, Australien)


Sorg, M., Seemann, P., Gümpel, P.: Development of an new Cage System for Off-Shore Fishfarming with ecologically-friendly antifouling Strategies, International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Fouling 2014 (Singapur)


Chiru, A., Gheroghita, V.G., Gümpel, P., Strittmatter, J.: Future Applications of Ni-Ti Alloys in Automotive Saftey Systems, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 15, No. 3, (2014), pp. 469-474, DOI 10.1007/s12239-014-0049-z, published by KSAE/077-14, pISSN 1229-9138/ eISSN 1976-3832


Clipa, V., Gheroghita, V.G., Gümpel, P., Strittmatter, J.: Characterization of NiTi Shape Memory Damping Elements designed for Automotive Saftey Systems, Journal of Material Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23, No. 5, 8 pages online published by Springer, DOi 10.1007/s11665-014-1045-1, ISSN 1059-9495, 14 May 2014


Chiru, A., Gheroghita, V.G., Gümpel, P., Strittmatter, J.: NiTi alloys designed for automotive safety systems, Proceedings of the FISITA 2014 World Automotive Congress in Maastricht, Netherlands, 02.-06. June 2014, published by FISITA, 10 pages on USB key


Baumann, B., Gümpel, P., Strittmatter, J.: Ein „wachsender“ Nagel zur Knochenverlängerung / A „growing“ nail for lengthening bones, Biotechnologie und Life Sciences Portal Baden-Württemberg, Herausgeber BIOPRO BadenWürttemberg GmbH, Stuttgart, online Veröffentlichung am 04.08.2014, http://www.bio-pro.de/magazin/index.html?lang=de&artikelid=/artikel/10026/index.html


Chiru, A., Gheroghita, V.G., Strittmatter, J.: Model numeric pentru firele de NiTi, realizat ca instrument pentru aplicatii din domeniul actuatorilor / Numerical model for SMA as a tool for engineering applications, Buletinul – SIAR (2014), Ingenieria Automobilului, Vol.8, No. 4(33), 2014 Braşov, Rumänien